Adin Ross announces shutdown of content creator group with his friends, explains why it failed

Publish date: 2021-06-29

In a recent video, Kick star Adin Ross announced the shutdown of a content creator group with his friends called SSB. He explained that he had tried everything in his power to make it work but failed.

In its stead, Ross announced that he would be building his own brand and moving on to something new:

"SSB is over, it is done. F*ck that friend group, I'm not putting a label on the sh*t anymore. I'm building my own brand. Build my own brand bro, f*ck that mother f*cker."

"I really tried": Adin Ross talks about the difficulties that stood in the way of SSB

Adin Ross was clearly emotionally charged as he talked about SSB, something he and a couple of his friends cooked up years ago. However, things never really worked out, and if his words were to be believed, it wasn't for the lack of trying:

"I've tried many times, I've tried with f*cking millionaires and sh*t. I really, really f*cking tried. I tried bro, I really tried bro. I really did, and if you guys knew what goes on beyond closed doors, you'd know."

Ross continued to explain how difficult it was for him to abandon the group but described the experience as liberating:

"And I'm gonna just say one thing. I'm gonna say one f*cking thing right here. Everybody, it's like this bro, it's like I'm trying to swim to shore and I gotta a f*cking weight on my ankle bro. I'm taking that sh*t off, I'm just doing sh*t for me now. I need it, I owe it to myself, bro. I really do."

He also explained that he will stream with the same people, just not under the heading of SSB:

"It's not over, I'mma still talk to some of the guys here and there. I'm still f*cking and be on my sh*t, be on my streams and sh*t, cool. But I'm not basing it on SSB group."

Ross assured fans that this does not mean his content creation warehouse is going away. He stated that he will still be working with them, adding that going away doesn't necessarily mean he will stop communicating with the members:

"You know we have this whole planned thing, a warehouse. I'm still doing the warehouse, I'm just doing my sh*t around it. And I'm still going to f*ck with who I f*ck with to be honest. If I still f*ck with people from SSB doesn't mean I'm never gonna talk to the member again. Just the group is gone. Why put a label on someone that was never even anything?"

Ross went on to talk about how certain members leaving was the reason the group fell apart and that the only way forward was to build something new.

Fan reactions

Here are some fan reactions to the news of SSB shutting down.

Fans encouraging Adin Ross to keep up the good work (Image via Adin Live/YouTube)

The truth is, the legitimacy of the group was in question for years, and Adin Ross's recent announcement just made the breakup official.

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